Bellina Cream Gin 700ml
Why buy Cream Bellina Gin Cream
Bellina Gin Cream is one of the most delicious gin creams made in the Mediterranean.
Tasting notes. Sight, smell and taste
This gin cream has a velvety texture, with a strong and intense flavour that reminds us of the best gins from the Mediterranean area.
Ideal for any occasion, from having a drink with your friends, to after a meal as a final touch.
Alc 17%
Why buy Cream Bellina Gin Cream
Bellina Gin Cream is one of the most delicious gin creams made in the Mediterranean.
Tasting notes. Sight, smell and taste
This gin cream has a velvety texture, with a strong and intense flavour that reminds us of the best gins from the Mediterranean area.
Ideal for any occasion, from having a drink with your friends, to after a meal as a final touch.
Alc 17%