Ciroc Peach Vodka 700ml
"Welcome to the world of Ciroc where the jet-set mingle with stylish sophisticates in the hotspots where next-generation luxury comes alive. Ciroc enthusiasts embrace celebration from the sundrenched private beaches of Ibiza to the star-studded hotspots of Los Angeles. Unlike most other vodkas, which are made from grain, Ciroc Ultra-Premium Vodka is crafted from fine, succulent French grapes, distilled a fifth time at the Distillerie de Chevanceaux in southwest France. These specially selected grapes create the distinctly fresh and smooth taste of Ciroc Vodka."
Alc 37.5%
"Welcome to the world of Ciroc where the jet-set mingle with stylish sophisticates in the hotspots where next-generation luxury comes alive. Ciroc enthusiasts embrace celebration from the sundrenched private beaches of Ibiza to the star-studded hotspots of Los Angeles. Unlike most other vodkas, which are made from grain, Ciroc Ultra-Premium Vodka is crafted from fine, succulent French grapes, distilled a fifth time at the Distillerie de Chevanceaux in southwest France. These specially selected grapes create the distinctly fresh and smooth taste of Ciroc Vodka."
Alc 37.5%