Don Julio Anejo Tequila 700ml
Aged for 18 months in American white oak barrels, Don Julio is distinguished by aromas complex of lime, grapefruit and mandarin. It boasts a smooth beautifully complex flavour that includes cherry, strawberry, and butterscotch notes and a bright lightly spiced finish with the essence of wild honey. Enjoy neat with one ice cube to open up the aromatics.
Alcohol Vol 38%
Aged for 18 months in American white oak barrels, Don Julio is distinguished by aromas complex of lime, grapefruit and mandarin. It boasts a smooth beautifully complex flavour that includes cherry, strawberry, and butterscotch notes and a bright lightly spiced finish with the essence of wild honey. Enjoy neat with one ice cube to open up the aromatics.
Alcohol Vol 38%