Harveys Bristol Cream Sherry 750ml
- Other
- Port / Sherry
"Harveys Bristol Cream is deep golden in colour with fragrant aromas of candied orange, dried fruit and toasted almonds. Keep a bottle of Harveys Bristol Cream chilling in your fridge and serve on the rocks with a slice of orange.
After opening refrigerate and consume within four to six weeks.
Prizes and awards: Commended, International Wine Challenge 2014 Silver medal, International Wine Challenge 2013"
Alc 17.5%
- Other
- Port / Sherry
"Harveys Bristol Cream is deep golden in colour with fragrant aromas of candied orange, dried fruit and toasted almonds. Keep a bottle of Harveys Bristol Cream chilling in your fridge and serve on the rocks with a slice of orange.
After opening refrigerate and consume within four to six weeks.
Prizes and awards: Commended, International Wine Challenge 2014 Silver medal, International Wine Challenge 2013"
Alc 17.5%