Johnnie Walker Swing 700ml
- Scottish Blends
Ideally, Swing is served on the rocks, neat or diluted with water. Its nose is complex and sophisticated with almost perfumed sweetness. Unquestionably soft and accessible, you are sure to notice the fanciful vanilla and sherry-cask wood notes wafting through. Its palate is smooth and sweet. But its light freshness cloaks a deeper fruitiness, with some smoke and restrained flavors lingering beyond. Finally, a lengthy and rich finish, reverberating with sweetness.
Alc 40%
- Scottish Blends
Ideally, Swing is served on the rocks, neat or diluted with water. Its nose is complex and sophisticated with almost perfumed sweetness. Unquestionably soft and accessible, you are sure to notice the fanciful vanilla and sherry-cask wood notes wafting through. Its palate is smooth and sweet. But its light freshness cloaks a deeper fruitiness, with some smoke and restrained flavors lingering beyond. Finally, a lengthy and rich finish, reverberating with sweetness.
Alc 40%