Pravda Vodka 700ml
"Pravda Vodka is crafted in the heart of the world renowned vodka producing region of Southern Poland, and is made in small batches under the strict guidance of a sixth generation master distiller. Dating back to 1743, Pravda Vodka was once reserved by Polish nobility for only the most special occasions. Pravda stands the test of time - a tribute to the unwavering passion and craftsmanship that goes into producing this jewel of vodkas. The water used in Pravda Vodka comes from the pristine natural springs deep within the Carpathian Mountains. This pure spring water is ice cold and has a crystalline softness - a true gift of nature. The World?s Finest Vodka is now available in seven distinctively exquisite flavors. Discover the decadence of our naturally infused vodka collection and rethink your signature drink."
40% Alc
"Pravda Vodka is crafted in the heart of the world renowned vodka producing region of Southern Poland, and is made in small batches under the strict guidance of a sixth generation master distiller. Dating back to 1743, Pravda Vodka was once reserved by Polish nobility for only the most special occasions. Pravda stands the test of time - a tribute to the unwavering passion and craftsmanship that goes into producing this jewel of vodkas. The water used in Pravda Vodka comes from the pristine natural springs deep within the Carpathian Mountains. This pure spring water is ice cold and has a crystalline softness - a true gift of nature. The World?s Finest Vodka is now available in seven distinctively exquisite flavors. Discover the decadence of our naturally infused vodka collection and rethink your signature drink."
40% Alc