Sapich Purple Death 750ml
"An unusual "Rough-as-Guts" aperitif that has the distinctive bouquet of horse-shit and old tram tickets, it is best drunk with teeth clenched to avoid foreign bodies. Connoisseurs often drink this strange brew in conjunction with other beverages which complement, or mask, the delicate flavour of Purple Death. Please note, the term 'some' implies a certain flexibility Russian Jumper (with some vodka) American Purple(with some Bourbon) Purple Lady (with some Gin) Purple Randy (with some Brandy, a rose and candles) Purple Carribean(with some white Rum and a parrot) Or use for: punch base, ice cream topping, trifles, steak marinade or with fruit juice."
Alc 13.9%
"An unusual "Rough-as-Guts" aperitif that has the distinctive bouquet of horse-shit and old tram tickets, it is best drunk with teeth clenched to avoid foreign bodies. Connoisseurs often drink this strange brew in conjunction with other beverages which complement, or mask, the delicate flavour of Purple Death. Please note, the term 'some' implies a certain flexibility Russian Jumper (with some vodka) American Purple(with some Bourbon) Purple Lady (with some Gin) Purple Randy (with some Brandy, a rose and candles) Purple Carribean(with some white Rum and a parrot) Or use for: punch base, ice cream topping, trifles, steak marinade or with fruit juice."
Alc 13.9%