Sheridans Liqueur 1000ml
Sheridan's is a liqueur first introduced in 1994. It is produced in Dublin by Tomas Sheridan & Sons. It is uniquely bottled, consisting of two separate sections, separated by glass, but fused together. One section is filled with a black liqueur, consisting of coffee and whiskey flavours, the other is filled with a white liqueur of milk white chocolate. When pouring into a lowball glass, the white liqueur should be gently floated on top of the black liqueur.
Alc 15.5%
Sheridan's is a liqueur first introduced in 1994. It is produced in Dublin by Tomas Sheridan & Sons. It is uniquely bottled, consisting of two separate sections, separated by glass, but fused together. One section is filled with a black liqueur, consisting of coffee and whiskey flavours, the other is filled with a white liqueur of milk white chocolate. When pouring into a lowball glass, the white liqueur should be gently floated on top of the black liqueur.
Alc 15.5%