Zubrowka Bison Grass Vodka 1000ml
Zubrowka, also known in English as Bison Grass Vodka, is a dry, herb-flavored vodka that is distilled from rye. Its flavor is unique and is described as having woodruff, vanilla, coconut, and almond notes. The rye distillate is flavoured with a tincture of bison grass (Hierochloe odorata), which also gives the spirit its yellowish color. This grass grows in the Bialowieza Forest and elsewhere. A blade of bison grass is traditionally placed in each bottle of Zubr?wka, though this is largely decorative.
Alc 37.5%
Zubrowka, also known in English as Bison Grass Vodka, is a dry, herb-flavored vodka that is distilled from rye. Its flavor is unique and is described as having woodruff, vanilla, coconut, and almond notes. The rye distillate is flavoured with a tincture of bison grass (Hierochloe odorata), which also gives the spirit its yellowish color. This grass grows in the Bialowieza Forest and elsewhere. A blade of bison grass is traditionally placed in each bottle of Zubr?wka, though this is largely decorative.
Alc 37.5%