C'est Nous Gin 700ml
Marvellous gin from Normandy, made using a base of French wheat spirit, complemented by the likes of juniper, orange peel and orris. Post-distillation, the producers also add a hint of apple essence, helping to bolster the gin's fruity flavour profile.
Aromatic citrus with a hint of orange blossom shining through, nutmeg, menthol and apricot.
Alcohol Vol. 40%
Marvellous gin from Normandy, made using a base of French wheat spirit, complemented by the likes of juniper, orange peel and orris. Post-distillation, the producers also add a hint of apple essence, helping to bolster the gin's fruity flavour profile.
Aromatic citrus with a hint of orange blossom shining through, nutmeg, menthol and apricot.
Alcohol Vol. 40%