Chairmans Reserve Original 700ml
St Lucia Distillers is a small rum distillery situated in the scenically beautiful and agriculturally rich valley of Roseau on the Caribbean island of St Lucia. Rich dark golden amber colour. The pot still richness comes through on the nose with sweet honeyed fruit and spicy vanilla from the oak. The palate is balanced, with a mellow but complex mix of ripe raisin, tobacco and spice. The rum has a nice enjoyable finish.
Alcohol Vol. 40%
St Lucia Distillers is a small rum distillery situated in the scenically beautiful and agriculturally rich valley of Roseau on the Caribbean island of St Lucia. Rich dark golden amber colour. The pot still richness comes through on the nose with sweet honeyed fruit and spicy vanilla from the oak. The palate is balanced, with a mellow but complex mix of ripe raisin, tobacco and spice. The rum has a nice enjoyable finish.
Alcohol Vol. 40%