Coruba 12YO Cigar 700ml
Likely inspired by the success of whiskies such as Dalmore?s Cigar Malt, this Jamaican rum is perfect for pairing with a fine cigar.
Coruba is a brand of rum produced in Jamaica for the Swiss Rum Company. It enjoys a strangely specific popularity in New Zealand.
This 12 year old rum has had plenty of time to develop complexity and depth. The bottling offers up notes of dried mango bark, brown sugar, vanilla, toffee, pineapple, rich spices of cloves, cinnamon and all spice, slight chilli heat, tobacco smoke and burnt oak.
With all these rich, intense flavours, the rum will stand up to even the most robustly flavoured cigar, and compliment the spice, heat and complexity of a good smoke.
Nicely presented with a bulbous cork.
Alc. 40%
Likely inspired by the success of whiskies such as Dalmore?s Cigar Malt, this Jamaican rum is perfect for pairing with a fine cigar.
Coruba is a brand of rum produced in Jamaica for the Swiss Rum Company. It enjoys a strangely specific popularity in New Zealand.
This 12 year old rum has had plenty of time to develop complexity and depth. The bottling offers up notes of dried mango bark, brown sugar, vanilla, toffee, pineapple, rich spices of cloves, cinnamon and all spice, slight chilli heat, tobacco smoke and burnt oak.
With all these rich, intense flavours, the rum will stand up to even the most robustly flavoured cigar, and compliment the spice, heat and complexity of a good smoke.
Nicely presented with a bulbous cork.
Alc. 40%