Derrumbes Zacatecas Mezcal 700ml
Here we have Derrumbes Zacatecas Mezcal which is made exclusively with Blue Weber agave, which is usually used for making Tequila. However, the Zacatecas region is famed for creating mezcals in the style of Tequila. The spirit is produced in a traditional style, which means that the agave is pit roasted, crushed with a tahona wheel and fermented with wild yeast before distillation. A vegetal, smoky treat, truly authentic.
A hint of citrus zest behind loads of green, vegetal agave notes, alongside lots of peppery spice and smoky grass, with a refreshing touch of menthol on the finish.
Alcohol Vol. 47.1%
Here we have Derrumbes Zacatecas Mezcal which is made exclusively with Blue Weber agave, which is usually used for making Tequila. However, the Zacatecas region is famed for creating mezcals in the style of Tequila. The spirit is produced in a traditional style, which means that the agave is pit roasted, crushed with a tahona wheel and fermented with wild yeast before distillation. A vegetal, smoky treat, truly authentic.
A hint of citrus zest behind loads of green, vegetal agave notes, alongside lots of peppery spice and smoky grass, with a refreshing touch of menthol on the finish.
Alcohol Vol. 47.1%