El Tesoro Anejo Tequila 750ml
"El Tesoro de Don Felipe is created in the highlands of Arandas, Mexico, using agave from the region renowned for its particular sweetness. The agave is then transported to the legendary 1937 La Altena distillery where it is chopped, stacked in a massive brick oven called a 'horno,' and steamed for 36 hours. Fermented in wooden vats and distilled to proof with no water or sugar added, the tequila is then distilled twice in copper pots, resulting in a crystal-clear and exquisitely smooth tequila. El Tesoro de Don Felipe Anejo Tequila is widely regarded as the world's finest sipping tequila, aged for 2 to 3 years in oak barrels, which imparts a full and balanced flavor."
Alc 40%
"El Tesoro de Don Felipe is created in the highlands of Arandas, Mexico, using agave from the region renowned for its particular sweetness. The agave is then transported to the legendary 1937 La Altena distillery where it is chopped, stacked in a massive brick oven called a 'horno,' and steamed for 36 hours. Fermented in wooden vats and distilled to proof with no water or sugar added, the tequila is then distilled twice in copper pots, resulting in a crystal-clear and exquisitely smooth tequila. El Tesoro de Don Felipe Anejo Tequila is widely regarded as the world's finest sipping tequila, aged for 2 to 3 years in oak barrels, which imparts a full and balanced flavor."
Alc 40%