Gold 999.9 Gin 700ml
"Gin Gold 999.9 is homage to a gin created in the early 20th century which was said to have been made in a pot still made of gold! This expression has been made in Alsace with a selection of botanicals that includes juniper, almond, vanilla, cassia bark, gentian violet, poppy, tangerine, coriander, violet flowers and angelica root. It also comes in a very shiny bottle. Oooh..."
Alc 40%
"Gin Gold 999.9 is homage to a gin created in the early 20th century which was said to have been made in a pot still made of gold! This expression has been made in Alsace with a selection of botanicals that includes juniper, almond, vanilla, cassia bark, gentian violet, poppy, tangerine, coriander, violet flowers and angelica root. It also comes in a very shiny bottle. Oooh..."
Alc 40%