Greytown Settler Gin 750ml
Settler is a London Dry gin in the finest traditions of high Victorian England. It's a nod to the toil and tenacity of Greytown's first European families, who fixed eyes on the future but held fast to reminders of home. Steeped in history and based on recipes extracted from dusty London tomes, Settler is a traditionalist's gin that marries the spicy notes of coriander with the earthy profile of angelica and an herbaceous sage finish.
You'll find a little ginger and lemon peel in there too, to add some excitement and zing. If the settlers brought a good quantity of something like this from the Mother Country, and it got as far as Greytown, it wouldn't have lasted much longer.
Alc 42%
Settler is a London Dry gin in the finest traditions of high Victorian England. It's a nod to the toil and tenacity of Greytown's first European families, who fixed eyes on the future but held fast to reminders of home. Steeped in history and based on recipes extracted from dusty London tomes, Settler is a traditionalist's gin that marries the spicy notes of coriander with the earthy profile of angelica and an herbaceous sage finish.
You'll find a little ginger and lemon peel in there too, to add some excitement and zing. If the settlers brought a good quantity of something like this from the Mother Country, and it got as far as Greytown, it wouldn't have lasted much longer.
Alc 42%