Greytown Tweed Gin 750ml
Tweed gin honours the rural sophisticate ? he or she who can straddle a horse, turn a table leg or spit-roast a lamb with equal elegance and skill. It's a very special blend, handcrafted for cocktail perfection. Fancy gin for a more refined palate, Tweed blends old world structure with new world complexity. Look for some spicy fire from the cardamom that?s immediately softened by chamomile and elderflower. You?ll also find citrus notes of lemon peel lurking beneath the surface. It?s a townie taste. These days, it should appeal to Greytown?s disproportionately high number of real estate agents and their clients. Break it out when you?ve overpaid for that character home that needs a lot of work done.
AWARDED 95 POINTS AT THE London IWSC 2024. Judges comments: ?The delicate and inviting aromatic profile opens with citrus notes, leading to a palate abundant in zesty orange and satsuma peel flavours. A long, generous finish showcases perfect balance and an indulgent silky quality, with a lingering touch of pine and musk adding depth and complexity.?
Alc 42%
Tweed gin honours the rural sophisticate ? he or she who can straddle a horse, turn a table leg or spit-roast a lamb with equal elegance and skill. It's a very special blend, handcrafted for cocktail perfection. Fancy gin for a more refined palate, Tweed blends old world structure with new world complexity. Look for some spicy fire from the cardamom that?s immediately softened by chamomile and elderflower. You?ll also find citrus notes of lemon peel lurking beneath the surface. It?s a townie taste. These days, it should appeal to Greytown?s disproportionately high number of real estate agents and their clients. Break it out when you?ve overpaid for that character home that needs a lot of work done.
AWARDED 95 POINTS AT THE London IWSC 2024. Judges comments: ?The delicate and inviting aromatic profile opens with citrus notes, leading to a palate abundant in zesty orange and satsuma peel flavours. A long, generous finish showcases perfect balance and an indulgent silky quality, with a lingering touch of pine and musk adding depth and complexity.?
Alc 42%