Lobos Extra Anejo 750ml
Mexico- The Lobos 1707 Extra Anejo tequila is over 400 years of refinement, harking back to 1707. Aged to perfection for 3 years in American white oak and PX wine barrels through a solera system. Superbly unorthodox in flavor. Unapologetically smooth and forges moments into memories.
TASTE: Rich, Oak, Cooked Agave, Pepper, Long
Alc. 40%
Mexico- The Lobos 1707 Extra Anejo tequila is over 400 years of refinement, harking back to 1707. Aged to perfection for 3 years in American white oak and PX wine barrels through a solera system. Superbly unorthodox in flavor. Unapologetically smooth and forges moments into memories.
TASTE: Rich, Oak, Cooked Agave, Pepper, Long
Alc. 40%