Martin Miller's 9 Moon Gin 350ml
Martin Miller’s 9 Moons Gin is a high strength gin, cask-aged for 9 months in Iceland. A Solera Vat process gives excellent consistency while maintaining the complex and distinctive taste.
Taste profile: Elegant and oaky. The juniper flavour is matched with a perfect balance of vanilla and citrus aromas. Creamy in the mouth with toasted oak in the finish.
Nose: Lemon peels in the first impression integrated with juniper, after that, the perfectly-balanced vanilla appears.
Palate: Slight sweetness with a creamy feeling.
Finish: Really long with notes of oak.
Alc 40%
Martin Miller’s 9 Moons Gin is a high strength gin, cask-aged for 9 months in Iceland. A Solera Vat process gives excellent consistency while maintaining the complex and distinctive taste.
Taste profile: Elegant and oaky. The juniper flavour is matched with a perfect balance of vanilla and citrus aromas. Creamy in the mouth with toasted oak in the finish.
Nose: Lemon peels in the first impression integrated with juniper, after that, the perfectly-balanced vanilla appears.
Palate: Slight sweetness with a creamy feeling.
Finish: Really long with notes of oak.
Alc 40%