Nemiroff Wild Cranberry 700ml
"The Wild Cranberry expression is a delicious flavor-infused vodka with a sweet and sour character. It?s a part of the brand?s Inked Collection reflected beautifully on the label. The inspiration behind the collection is the individualistic creativity of tattoo artists. But pure water, natural fruit, and top-tier grain spirit make this vodka?s flavor mojo so intense. It?s essentially a cocktail in a bottle. Get your hands on some ice and this tasty cranberry delicacy; now it?s a party."
Alc 40%
"The Wild Cranberry expression is a delicious flavor-infused vodka with a sweet and sour character. It?s a part of the brand?s Inked Collection reflected beautifully on the label. The inspiration behind the collection is the individualistic creativity of tattoo artists. But pure water, natural fruit, and top-tier grain spirit make this vodka?s flavor mojo so intense. It?s essentially a cocktail in a bottle. Get your hands on some ice and this tasty cranberry delicacy; now it?s a party."
Alc 40%