Penderyn Welsh Whisky Legend 700ml
The all-new 'Legend' replaces the previous classic Penderyn expression. Proudly made at the only single malt whisky distillery in Wales, this Penderyn is matured in ex-American oak casks before receiving a final maturation period in Madeira barriques (barrels). Fresh and fruity (apple, citrus) flavours are mingled with creamy fudge notes. A light and easy-drinking style, all the way from Penderyn.
Alc 41%
The all-new 'Legend' replaces the previous classic Penderyn expression. Proudly made at the only single malt whisky distillery in Wales, this Penderyn is matured in ex-American oak casks before receiving a final maturation period in Madeira barriques (barrels). Fresh and fruity (apple, citrus) flavours are mingled with creamy fudge notes. A light and easy-drinking style, all the way from Penderyn.
Alc 41%