Slayer Reign In Blood Cabernet Sauvignon 2022 750ml
The wine is as uncompromising as the band. After a couple of Seasons in the Abyss, it has an undisputed attitude and a soft nose of dark berry fruits with oak and spicy nuances. Fresh fruitiness, smooth tannins and well structured with subtle notes of oak, showing true Divine Intervention. Best company for the wine comes as no surprise, enjoy it while headbanging, riffing or with food, friends and great music. Reign in Wine!
Alcohol Vol. 12.5%
The wine is as uncompromising as the band. After a couple of Seasons in the Abyss, it has an undisputed attitude and a soft nose of dark berry fruits with oak and spicy nuances. Fresh fruitiness, smooth tannins and well structured with subtle notes of oak, showing true Divine Intervention. Best company for the wine comes as no surprise, enjoy it while headbanging, riffing or with food, friends and great music. Reign in Wine!
Alcohol Vol. 12.5%