Slingsby Gooseberry Gin 700ml
Slingsby Gooseberry gin is crafted using water from the famed Harrogate aquifer, pure single grain spirit and locally sourced botanicals such as Yorkshire gooseberries, all with a base of Slingsby London Dry gin. If you can get your mitts on some gooseberries, of course you should use them to garnish this tangy gin.
Tangy gooseberry sharpness is ever present, alongside a balancing fruity sweetness and citrus notes.
Alcohol Vol. 40%
Slingsby Gooseberry gin is crafted using water from the famed Harrogate aquifer, pure single grain spirit and locally sourced botanicals such as Yorkshire gooseberries, all with a base of Slingsby London Dry gin. If you can get your mitts on some gooseberries, of course you should use them to garnish this tangy gin.
Tangy gooseberry sharpness is ever present, alongside a balancing fruity sweetness and citrus notes.
Alcohol Vol. 40%