The Wave Pink Gin 700ml
The Wave pink gin has the same soul as The Wave dry gin adding the juvenile strawberry flavor. Where tradition and vanguard clash into a delicate flavor of strawberry. Powerful taste but not cloying, The pink wave is soft, sweet and refreshing gin. The citrus notes are present combining perfectly with our juniper berries macerated with care just a few feet away from the gorgeous Med. Balanced and full-bodied, perfect to drink with a premium tonic over ice.
Alc 40%
The Wave pink gin has the same soul as The Wave dry gin adding the juvenile strawberry flavor. Where tradition and vanguard clash into a delicate flavor of strawberry. Powerful taste but not cloying, The pink wave is soft, sweet and refreshing gin. The citrus notes are present combining perfectly with our juniper berries macerated with care just a few feet away from the gorgeous Med. Balanced and full-bodied, perfect to drink with a premium tonic over ice.
Alc 40%