Tolon Macadamia Cream 700ml
Tolon-Tolon Macadamia Nut Cream liqueur is elaborated using a traditional formula that mixes cream and macadamia nuts. Its low alcohol content makes it ideal to drink at any time, very cold, on the rocks, mixed with coffee, or even with vanilla ice cream or any other dessert.
Enjoy in moderation the smooth, refined taste of macadamia nuts. Originally from Australia, they are considered "Queen of the Nuts" and they stand out as one of the most exotic nuts available nowadays. Moreover, they are also known for their creamy texture and exquisite taste.
Alc 17%
Tolon-Tolon Macadamia Nut Cream liqueur is elaborated using a traditional formula that mixes cream and macadamia nuts. Its low alcohol content makes it ideal to drink at any time, very cold, on the rocks, mixed with coffee, or even with vanilla ice cream or any other dessert.
Enjoy in moderation the smooth, refined taste of macadamia nuts. Originally from Australia, they are considered "Queen of the Nuts" and they stand out as one of the most exotic nuts available nowadays. Moreover, they are also known for their creamy texture and exquisite taste.
Alc 17%