Twelfth Hour NZ Dry Gin 700ml
After 22 iterations uniting global botanicals with the powerful makrut (kaffir lime) Twelfth Hour Dry Gin has a clean, crisp aroma on the nose. An initial hit of makrut on the tongue leads into a long dry finish that sees the revitalising taste linger on the palate.
A punchy gin perfect for summer but made to enjoy all year round. Team with your favourite tonic then immerse a bruised makrut leaf to enhance the lead botanical or garnish with a ribbon of cucumber for a refreshing twist.
Volume: 700ml
Alc 43%
After 22 iterations uniting global botanicals with the powerful makrut (kaffir lime) Twelfth Hour Dry Gin has a clean, crisp aroma on the nose. An initial hit of makrut on the tongue leads into a long dry finish that sees the revitalising taste linger on the palate.
A punchy gin perfect for summer but made to enjoy all year round. Team with your favourite tonic then immerse a bruised makrut leaf to enhance the lead botanical or garnish with a ribbon of cucumber for a refreshing twist.
Volume: 700ml
Alc 43%