Gin Lane 1751 Old Tom Gin 700ml
A full-flavored gin with a softer and slightly sweeter profile. Influenced by the Dutch?s native spirit, Genever, this style has less botanical sharpness than its London Dry counterpart.
Style: A smooth, full-flavored gin with a softer and slightly sweet profile.
Taste: Silky and smooth with a sweet, yet dry taste profile. Made with 100% refined sugarcane.
Alc 40%
A full-flavored gin with a softer and slightly sweeter profile. Influenced by the Dutch?s native spirit, Genever, this style has less botanical sharpness than its London Dry counterpart.
Style: A smooth, full-flavored gin with a softer and slightly sweet profile.
Taste: Silky and smooth with a sweet, yet dry taste profile. Made with 100% refined sugarcane.
Alc 40%