Harahorn Norwegian Gin 500ml
While the Harahorn Norwegian Gin is named after a mountain in Norway, it's also inspired by the story of a hare with horns. A more terrifying prospect has never crossed our minds. Despite striking fear into our hearts, this gin is rather pleasing indeed, making use of R?ros juniper berries, Nordmarka blueberries, Grimstad rhubarb and bladderwrack, Oppdal angelica and Sunndal wild marjoram.
Alcohol Vol 46%
While the Harahorn Norwegian Gin is named after a mountain in Norway, it's also inspired by the story of a hare with horns. A more terrifying prospect has never crossed our minds. Despite striking fear into our hearts, this gin is rather pleasing indeed, making use of R?ros juniper berries, Nordmarka blueberries, Grimstad rhubarb and bladderwrack, Oppdal angelica and Sunndal wild marjoram.
Alcohol Vol 46%