Hendricks Neptunia 700ml
Dive into the magic of the sea, with Hendrick?s NEPTUNIA ? An extraordinary new gin from our Cabinet of Curiosities. Hendrick?s NEPTUNIA is based on Hendrick?s Gin with its signature foundation of rose and cucumber, but with an additional wave of flavour from an invigorating blend of sea kelp, coastal thyme and lime, which has that huge maritime story and history behind it. And all three of those come together, layered above our original Hendrick?s Gin recipe, to create a gin that has depth and an earthiness, but also has that fresh, herbaceous feeling which comes from the coastal thyme and the lime itself. Unmistakably Hendrick?s with an added infusion of locally sourced botanicals, Hendrick?s NEPTUNIA combines a smooth, citrus finish with a unique hint of the distant sea breeze.
Alluring juniper character, lengthened with the deep earthy notes of Scottish sea botanicals and the fresh character of coastal herbs.
Mix with soda, simple syrup and a squeeze of lime, garnished cucumber sliced to create a Hendrick's Neptunia Fizz.
Alc. 43.4%
Dive into the magic of the sea, with Hendrick?s NEPTUNIA ? An extraordinary new gin from our Cabinet of Curiosities. Hendrick?s NEPTUNIA is based on Hendrick?s Gin with its signature foundation of rose and cucumber, but with an additional wave of flavour from an invigorating blend of sea kelp, coastal thyme and lime, which has that huge maritime story and history behind it. And all three of those come together, layered above our original Hendrick?s Gin recipe, to create a gin that has depth and an earthiness, but also has that fresh, herbaceous feeling which comes from the coastal thyme and the lime itself. Unmistakably Hendrick?s with an added infusion of locally sourced botanicals, Hendrick?s NEPTUNIA combines a smooth, citrus finish with a unique hint of the distant sea breeze.
Alluring juniper character, lengthened with the deep earthy notes of Scottish sea botanicals and the fresh character of coastal herbs.
Mix with soda, simple syrup and a squeeze of lime, garnished cucumber sliced to create a Hendrick's Neptunia Fizz.
Alc. 43.4%