Jinzu Gin 700ml
Fleshy citrus jumps to the fore on the nose, with the sake bringing an underlying sweetness. The cherry blossom carries a distinct floral note, but there?s a subtle juniper underpinning it all. Tasted neat, Jinzu Gin is mild, easy to sip and to hold on the tongue. It?s altogether quite unfamiliar as a spirit, though notably still a ginny with a long finish and a strong enough juniper backbone that carries all the way through to the aftertaste. The yuzu brings a fresh, mandarin-like citrus and the sake provides a creamy mouthfeel and a taste which bites right at the end. The cherry blossom, too, holds strong in the mouth ? it?s not sweet and not herbal, rather it sits somewhere in-between.
41.3% Alc
Fleshy citrus jumps to the fore on the nose, with the sake bringing an underlying sweetness. The cherry blossom carries a distinct floral note, but there?s a subtle juniper underpinning it all. Tasted neat, Jinzu Gin is mild, easy to sip and to hold on the tongue. It?s altogether quite unfamiliar as a spirit, though notably still a ginny with a long finish and a strong enough juniper backbone that carries all the way through to the aftertaste. The yuzu brings a fresh, mandarin-like citrus and the sake provides a creamy mouthfeel and a taste which bites right at the end. The cherry blossom, too, holds strong in the mouth ? it?s not sweet and not herbal, rather it sits somewhere in-between.
41.3% Alc