Gin Mare 1750ml
A sizeable bottle of the Mediterranean-inspired Gin Mare! This big ol' bottle holds 175cl of the excellent gin, produced in Spain using arbequina olive, rosemary, thyme, basil and mandarin as botanicals.
Nose: Herbal nose with berry fruits. Hints of soapiness and perfume.
Palate: Very herbal and aromatic palate. Perfume-like delivery. Coriander and tart juniper, citrus zest.
Finish: Zesty, spiced finish.
Alcohol Vol. 42.7%
A sizeable bottle of the Mediterranean-inspired Gin Mare! This big ol' bottle holds 175cl of the excellent gin, produced in Spain using arbequina olive, rosemary, thyme, basil and mandarin as botanicals.
Nose: Herbal nose with berry fruits. Hints of soapiness and perfume.
Palate: Very herbal and aromatic palate. Perfume-like delivery. Coriander and tart juniper, citrus zest.
Finish: Zesty, spiced finish.
Alcohol Vol. 42.7%