Sipsmith Sloe Gin 500ml
"First we distilled our award-winning London Dry Gin in our copper still. Then we left it to rest on wild sloe berries, hand-picked in the autumn. The result is a truly handmade sloe gin that is subtle, complex and bursting with flavour. The Nose: Gorgeous redcurrant and ripe winter fruits with stone-fruit almond. The Palate: Cassis comes through with soft cherry hints and a rounded fruitiness. The Finish: Velvety mouthfeel and balanced sweetness."
29% Alc
"First we distilled our award-winning London Dry Gin in our copper still. Then we left it to rest on wild sloe berries, hand-picked in the autumn. The result is a truly handmade sloe gin that is subtle, complex and bursting with flavour. The Nose: Gorgeous redcurrant and ripe winter fruits with stone-fruit almond. The Palate: Cassis comes through with soft cherry hints and a rounded fruitiness. The Finish: Velvety mouthfeel and balanced sweetness."
29% Alc