Strange Nature Gin 700ml
Grown in New Zealand?s famous winemaking regions, every aspect of our lovingly crafted gin is traceable. Unlike others the base alcohol to Strange Nature has true terroir, starting its life in a Kiwi vineyard certified through Sustainable Winegrowing, we can pinpoint the roots behind each and every batch.
We found our origins in (or rather, out of) alcohol removed New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc wine. When the alcohol is gently removed from the wine, the aroma and flavour is preserved to create a fresh, vibrant white spirit grown from grapes.
After 18 months of trials, we settled on double distillation with one botanical - juniper, what we saw as the most expressive style, a perfect marriage with our natural alcohol.
Strange Nature bears all the quintessential flavours of its unique Sauvignon Blanc origins. Aromatic and fruity, it's part tropical and zesty, part herbaceous. Enjoy sweet notes and savoury hits in every sip.
Alc. 44%
Grown in New Zealand?s famous winemaking regions, every aspect of our lovingly crafted gin is traceable. Unlike others the base alcohol to Strange Nature has true terroir, starting its life in a Kiwi vineyard certified through Sustainable Winegrowing, we can pinpoint the roots behind each and every batch.
We found our origins in (or rather, out of) alcohol removed New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc wine. When the alcohol is gently removed from the wine, the aroma and flavour is preserved to create a fresh, vibrant white spirit grown from grapes.
After 18 months of trials, we settled on double distillation with one botanical - juniper, what we saw as the most expressive style, a perfect marriage with our natural alcohol.
Strange Nature bears all the quintessential flavours of its unique Sauvignon Blanc origins. Aromatic and fruity, it's part tropical and zesty, part herbaceous. Enjoy sweet notes and savoury hits in every sip.
Alc. 44%