Jim Beam Bourbon 375ml
Famous for quality. The world's finest bourbon. This bourbon contains all the pride of its 200 year history. Originated by Jacob Beam in 1795, it is the product of seven generations of distillers. Made from the highest quality ingredients, Jim Beam is the world's finest bourbon. To drink Jim Beam is not only to taste its full bourbon character, but its rich American heritage. This whiskey is four years old. Since 1795. Over 200 years.
Alc. 37%
Famous for quality. The world's finest bourbon. This bourbon contains all the pride of its 200 year history. Originated by Jacob Beam in 1795, it is the product of seven generations of distillers. Made from the highest quality ingredients, Jim Beam is the world's finest bourbon. To drink Jim Beam is not only to taste its full bourbon character, but its rich American heritage. This whiskey is four years old. Since 1795. Over 200 years.
Alc. 37%