Campeny Blue Curacao Liqueur 700ml
When it comes to Campeny Blue Curacao Liqueur, you can expect a vibrant and refreshing taste. It offers a bright and citrusy flavor with a hint of sweetness. It's like sipping on a tropical paradise, with the flavors of orange and a touch of exotic blue. Whether you enjoy it on its own or use it in cocktails like Blue Margaritas or Blue Hawaiian, it's sure to bring a burst of tropical vibes to your palate.
Alc 16%
When it comes to Campeny Blue Curacao Liqueur, you can expect a vibrant and refreshing taste. It offers a bright and citrusy flavor with a hint of sweetness. It's like sipping on a tropical paradise, with the flavors of orange and a touch of exotic blue. Whether you enjoy it on its own or use it in cocktails like Blue Margaritas or Blue Hawaiian, it's sure to bring a burst of tropical vibes to your palate.
Alc 16%