Koakoa Limoncello 700ml
"Experience the award-winning taste of Koakoa Limoncello, crafted on the Kapiti Coast using the finest New Zealand lemons. Bursting with bright citrus flavour, this gluten-free liqueur strikes the perfect balance of tangy and sweet, making it a true crowd-pleaser.
How to enjoy:
Sip it chilled after dinner.
Mix with soda and Prosecco for a refreshing Spritz.
Drizzle it over ice cream or desserts for a citrusy kick.
Pure Kiwi sunshine in a bottle – Koakoa Limoncello is a must-have for anyone who loves great taste, exceptional quality, and a touch of homegrown pride."
Alc 28%
"Experience the award-winning taste of Koakoa Limoncello, crafted on the Kapiti Coast using the finest New Zealand lemons. Bursting with bright citrus flavour, this gluten-free liqueur strikes the perfect balance of tangy and sweet, making it a true crowd-pleaser.
How to enjoy:
Sip it chilled after dinner.
Mix with soda and Prosecco for a refreshing Spritz.
Drizzle it over ice cream or desserts for a citrusy kick.
Pure Kiwi sunshine in a bottle – Koakoa Limoncello is a must-have for anyone who loves great taste, exceptional quality, and a touch of homegrown pride."
Alc 28%