Lamborghini Anejo 750ml
"For life’s best moments, this tequila brings luxury to every pour. Aged to perfection, it’s rich, smooth, and effortlessly elevates any occasion. This isn’t just tequila—it’s your go-to for celebrating life’s finest.
Expect a luxurious blend of caramel, vanilla, and oak, with subtle hints of spice and citrus. Aged for two years in oak barrels, this tequila develops a smooth, full-bodied texture with a lingering, satisfying finish."
Alc 40%
"For life’s best moments, this tequila brings luxury to every pour. Aged to perfection, it’s rich, smooth, and effortlessly elevates any occasion. This isn’t just tequila—it’s your go-to for celebrating life’s finest.
Expect a luxurious blend of caramel, vanilla, and oak, with subtle hints of spice and citrus. Aged for two years in oak barrels, this tequila develops a smooth, full-bodied texture with a lingering, satisfying finish."
Alc 40%