Lamborghini Silver 750ml
"Appearance: Crystal clear with a brilliant shine.
Nose: The aroma is crisp and clean, with inviting notes of fresh agave, citrus zest, and a hint of pepper.
Palate: On the palate, it offers a smooth, slightly sweet entry with vibrant flavours of agave, lime, and green herbs. The mouthfeel is silky, with a balanced complexity that evolves into a pleasant warmth.
Finish: The finish is long and clean, with lingering hints of citrus and spice."
Alc 40%
"Appearance: Crystal clear with a brilliant shine.
Nose: The aroma is crisp and clean, with inviting notes of fresh agave, citrus zest, and a hint of pepper.
Palate: On the palate, it offers a smooth, slightly sweet entry with vibrant flavours of agave, lime, and green herbs. The mouthfeel is silky, with a balanced complexity that evolves into a pleasant warmth.
Finish: The finish is long and clean, with lingering hints of citrus and spice."
Alc 40%