Mascota Anejo 750ml
"Mascota Tequila Anejo is made from the finest 100% blue weber agave, naturally fermented, distilled and double barrel-aged for 3 years. Using a mix of French and American Oak Barrels, each barrel infuses its own unique characteristics, enriching the spirit further, giving it a greater even more complex depth and exceptional smoothness. Distilled in very limited quantities and highly collectible.
Tasting Notes: Aromas of vanilla, toasted wood, butterscotch, citrus, dark chocolate, herbs, coffee and complex spices. Velvety smooth finish, aged to perfection for the true connoisseur, and is additive and diffuser free."
Alc 40%
"Mascota Tequila Anejo is made from the finest 100% blue weber agave, naturally fermented, distilled and double barrel-aged for 3 years. Using a mix of French and American Oak Barrels, each barrel infuses its own unique characteristics, enriching the spirit further, giving it a greater even more complex depth and exceptional smoothness. Distilled in very limited quantities and highly collectible.
Tasting Notes: Aromas of vanilla, toasted wood, butterscotch, citrus, dark chocolate, herbs, coffee and complex spices. Velvety smooth finish, aged to perfection for the true connoisseur, and is additive and diffuser free."
Alc 40%