Mascota Blanco 750ml
"Mascota Tequila Blanco is made from the finest 100% blue weber agave, is twice distilled and then given a unique micro-oxygenation process that injects tiny air bubbles into the agave distillate, which further purifies its clean, rich flavor. The liquid is unaged and bottled immediately after distillation to capture the natural essence of the agave and the land in which it was grown.
Tasting Notes: A crystal clear, light premium spirit. Rich flavorful taste of baked agave, clean, balanced taste, and offers a warm and spicy flavor with herbal notes. An excellent tequila to be enjoyed neat or mixed in cocktails."
Alc 40%
"Mascota Tequila Blanco is made from the finest 100% blue weber agave, is twice distilled and then given a unique micro-oxygenation process that injects tiny air bubbles into the agave distillate, which further purifies its clean, rich flavor. The liquid is unaged and bottled immediately after distillation to capture the natural essence of the agave and the land in which it was grown.
Tasting Notes: A crystal clear, light premium spirit. Rich flavorful taste of baked agave, clean, balanced taste, and offers a warm and spicy flavor with herbal notes. An excellent tequila to be enjoyed neat or mixed in cocktails."
Alc 40%