Mascota Reposado 750ml
"Mascota Tequila Reposado is made from the finest 100% blue weber agave, is twice distilled and aged for 9 months in American Oak Barrels, which adds a sophisticated nuance to the flavor of the drink. The liquid is given a unique micro-oxygenation process that injects tiny air bubbles into the agave distillate, which further purifies its clean, rich flavor. Mascota Tequila Reposado is additive and diffuser free.
Tasting Notes: Golden, straw color. Subtle nose of light wood and agave. Rich flavorful taste of baked agave, vanilla and light barrel notes that don’t overpower. A very elegant reposado with a long finish."
Alc 40%
"Mascota Tequila Reposado is made from the finest 100% blue weber agave, is twice distilled and aged for 9 months in American Oak Barrels, which adds a sophisticated nuance to the flavor of the drink. The liquid is given a unique micro-oxygenation process that injects tiny air bubbles into the agave distillate, which further purifies its clean, rich flavor. Mascota Tequila Reposado is additive and diffuser free.
Tasting Notes: Golden, straw color. Subtle nose of light wood and agave. Rich flavorful taste of baked agave, vanilla and light barrel notes that don’t overpower. A very elegant reposado with a long finish."
Alc 40%