Nuda Extra Anejo 750ml
"100% Blue Agave Refined aroma, intense flavors and smooth bouquet. Representing an exquisite finesse and elegance. BE AMAZED with the intense flavors and aromas of roasted agave, intense dark chocolate, vanilla, almonds and chestnuts slowly dragged from previously used French Oak barrels while being aged for 42 months.
Intense color with copper flashes
Roasted agave, intense dark chocolate
Roasted agave, intense dark chocolate, soft flavors of vanilla, almonds and chestnuts"
Alc 40%
"100% Blue Agave Refined aroma, intense flavors and smooth bouquet. Representing an exquisite finesse and elegance. BE AMAZED with the intense flavors and aromas of roasted agave, intense dark chocolate, vanilla, almonds and chestnuts slowly dragged from previously used French Oak barrels while being aged for 42 months.
Intense color with copper flashes
Roasted agave, intense dark chocolate
Roasted agave, intense dark chocolate, soft flavors of vanilla, almonds and chestnuts"
Alc 40%