Tini Remana Gin 700ml
"Discover the crowd-favourite Tini Remana Lemon Gin, a handcrafted masterpiece from distiller Bec Kay at The Bond Store in Kapiti. Described as a "Limoncello-style gin without the sugar," Tini Remana is infused with the zesty goodness of Gisborne lemons. This gluten-free gin delivers a bright, refreshing citrus hit perfectly balanced with classic gin botanicals.
How to enjoy:
Serve with tonic and mint for a classic G&T.
Mix into your favourite cocktail for a citrusy twist.
Enjoy it neat over ice to savour the bright, crisp flavours.
Whether you’re hosting a summer BBQ or relaxing at home, Tini Remana Lemon Gin is a true taste of New Zealand – vibrant, bold, and unforgettable."
Alc 41%
"Discover the crowd-favourite Tini Remana Lemon Gin, a handcrafted masterpiece from distiller Bec Kay at The Bond Store in Kapiti. Described as a "Limoncello-style gin without the sugar," Tini Remana is infused with the zesty goodness of Gisborne lemons. This gluten-free gin delivers a bright, refreshing citrus hit perfectly balanced with classic gin botanicals.
How to enjoy:
Serve with tonic and mint for a classic G&T.
Mix into your favourite cocktail for a citrusy twist.
Enjoy it neat over ice to savour the bright, crisp flavours.
Whether you’re hosting a summer BBQ or relaxing at home, Tini Remana Lemon Gin is a true taste of New Zealand – vibrant, bold, and unforgettable."
Alc 41%