Te Whare Ra Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
"Classic regional characters of white currant, gooseberry, feijoa and passionfruit with citrus undertones. These follow on to the palate, which is fine and vibrant with concentrated fruit, balanced by a ripe, juicy acidity and lingering mineral flavours.
Classic flavours of white currant, gooseberry, passionfruit, with citrus undertones. Complimented with balanced ripe, lingering mineral flavours."
13% ABV
"Classic regional characters of white currant, gooseberry, feijoa and passionfruit with citrus undertones. These follow on to the palate, which is fine and vibrant with concentrated fruit, balanced by a ripe, juicy acidity and lingering mineral flavours.
Classic flavours of white currant, gooseberry, passionfruit, with citrus undertones. Complimented with balanced ripe, lingering mineral flavours."
13% ABV