The Last Shepherd Pinot Noir 750ml
"Central Otago is home to New Zealand's largest high country sheep stations. The original shepherds who worked these stations have moved on, yet their spirit remains. The Last Shepherd celebrate these men with this Central Otago Pinot Noir. Medium ruby red, exhibiting vibrant dark berry aromas with hints of spice and smoke. The palate is rich and savoury with dark cherry and plum fruit characters with fine supple tannins, hints of pepper and spice and a savoury oak finish."
Alc 13.5%
"Central Otago is home to New Zealand's largest high country sheep stations. The original shepherds who worked these stations have moved on, yet their spirit remains. The Last Shepherd celebrate these men with this Central Otago Pinot Noir. Medium ruby red, exhibiting vibrant dark berry aromas with hints of spice and smoke. The palate is rich and savoury with dark cherry and plum fruit characters with fine supple tannins, hints of pepper and spice and a savoury oak finish."
Alc 13.5%