Louis Bouillot Cremant de Bourgogne ROSE 750ml
The finest sparkling wines in France outside the Champagne region are known as Cremants, with those from Burgundy (Bourgogne) among the most prized. Pinot Noir from the Cote d'Or, Gamay from Beaujolais country and Chardonnay from Macon, a short maceration is followed by a minimum of 12 months aging on lees in bottle. Bursting with strawberry, raspberry and hints of marmalade, the palate is ebullient with citrus notes and a dry juicy finish. Exceptional quality for a very reasonable price, try it with smoked salmon or a Chinese Chicken Salad.
Alc. 12%
The finest sparkling wines in France outside the Champagne region are known as Cremants, with those from Burgundy (Bourgogne) among the most prized. Pinot Noir from the Cote d'Or, Gamay from Beaujolais country and Chardonnay from Macon, a short maceration is followed by a minimum of 12 months aging on lees in bottle. Bursting with strawberry, raspberry and hints of marmalade, the palate is ebullient with citrus notes and a dry juicy finish. Exceptional quality for a very reasonable price, try it with smoked salmon or a Chinese Chicken Salad.
Alc. 12%