Roubine Rose 2023 750ml
"Combining modern winemaking techniques to regional traditions, this typically Provencal ros? is both light and fruity, perfect for Mediterranean cuisine. This is pale pink with violet tints. It is well balanced and has aromas of red fruits with notes of currants. The palate is fine with notes of red currants, and wild strawberries.
Grape Grenache, Syrah, Cinsault
Food match ap?ritif, Mediterranean cuisine"
Alc 12.5%
"Combining modern winemaking techniques to regional traditions, this typically Provencal ros? is both light and fruity, perfect for Mediterranean cuisine. This is pale pink with violet tints. It is well balanced and has aromas of red fruits with notes of currants. The palate is fine with notes of red currants, and wild strawberries.
Grape Grenache, Syrah, Cinsault
Food match ap?ritif, Mediterranean cuisine"
Alc 12.5%