Balblair 12YO 700ml
In early 2019, Balblair's core range received a relaunch, eschewing the vintages that had previously adorned the bottles in favour of age statements! This is the entry level expression of the range, a 12 year old single malt matured in a combination of ex-bourbon and double-fired American oak casks. Though the vintages are gone, Balblair's whisky retains its marvellous creaminess and fruit-forward flavour profile.
Alcohol Vol. 46%
In early 2019, Balblair's core range received a relaunch, eschewing the vintages that had previously adorned the bottles in favour of age statements! This is the entry level expression of the range, a 12 year old single malt matured in a combination of ex-bourbon and double-fired American oak casks. Though the vintages are gone, Balblair's whisky retains its marvellous creaminess and fruit-forward flavour profile.
Alcohol Vol. 46%