Moet & Chandon Ice 750ml
Moet & Chandon is one of the world's largest manufacturers of champagne and one of the best known champagne houses in the world. In 1962 it became the first champagne house to be listed on the French stock market & now annually produces over 2,000,000 cases of champagne. For any occasion the iconic brand "Moet" has become synonymous with style, extravagance & decadence.
Alcohol Vol 12%
Moet & Chandon is one of the world's largest manufacturers of champagne and one of the best known champagne houses in the world. In 1962 it became the first champagne house to be listed on the French stock market & now annually produces over 2,000,000 cases of champagne. For any occasion the iconic brand "Moet" has become synonymous with style, extravagance & decadence.
Alcohol Vol 12%