Vermouth Bianco Dry 750ml
- Other
- Vermouth/Aperatives
"From the red wine obtained from the owned farm, a fresh agricultural Red Vermouth is born. The infusion takes place in alcohol with herbs, and spices such as artemisia, thyme, oregano, rosemary, vanilla pods, quassia, rhubarb root, and angelica. The is then added red wine and sugar, then it is filtered and stored in steel containers for a few years month. On the nose it is intense, vinous, with balsamic hints, followed by cinnamon and cloves. The taste is sweet, leaves a slightly tannic note in the finish, well balanced. Long and dry persistence. This fresh Red Vermouth is produced using a red wine base sourced from our family-owned winery. Firstly an infusion takes place in an alcoholic solution with herbs and spices such as artemisia thyme, oregano, rosemary, vanilla berries, quassia, rhubarb root, and angelica. The red wine and sugar are then added and the mixture is filtered and left to mature in steel containers for a few months. On the nose, the bouquet is intense, and vinous, with hints of balsamic herbs followed by cinnamon and cloves. On the palate it is sweet, leaving a slightly tannic note on the finish. It is well balanced with a long and dry persistence."
Alc 18%
- Other
- Vermouth/Aperatives
"From the red wine obtained from the owned farm, a fresh agricultural Red Vermouth is born. The infusion takes place in alcohol with herbs, and spices such as artemisia, thyme, oregano, rosemary, vanilla pods, quassia, rhubarb root, and angelica. The is then added red wine and sugar, then it is filtered and stored in steel containers for a few years month. On the nose it is intense, vinous, with balsamic hints, followed by cinnamon and cloves. The taste is sweet, leaves a slightly tannic note in the finish, well balanced. Long and dry persistence. This fresh Red Vermouth is produced using a red wine base sourced from our family-owned winery. Firstly an infusion takes place in an alcoholic solution with herbs and spices such as artemisia thyme, oregano, rosemary, vanilla berries, quassia, rhubarb root, and angelica. The red wine and sugar are then added and the mixture is filtered and left to mature in steel containers for a few months. On the nose, the bouquet is intense, and vinous, with hints of balsamic herbs followed by cinnamon and cloves. On the palate it is sweet, leaving a slightly tannic note on the finish. It is well balanced with a long and dry persistence."
Alc 18%